Your hosts at Bellthorpe Stays are Wendy and David Clark who have happily operated Bellthorpe Stays since 2004.
Address: 200 Willett Rd, Bellthorpe, 4514, Queensland, Australia.
Phone: 07 5496 5000
Mobile: 0458 458 020 (David) or 0418 638 369 (Wendy)
Facebook: www.facebook/bellstays
Getting away from the rest of the world can be a real benefit but keeping in touch may be important. Mobile phone reception at Bellthorpe stays varies depending on the carrier:- Telstra is good at most of the cabins and across the higher parts of the property.- Optus works is a couple of high spots and on the deck of Whipbird cabin but not at other cabins. Works best at the back shed (also known as the Optus Office).- Vodaphone sometime works in two spots if you are really lucky.
WiFi - Because you are coming here to get away from it all, Wi-Fi at each cabin is not offered but you can log on for free to the guest WiFi at the Old Dairy Shed. For the comfort of others, the guest Wi-Fi is turned off between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am, but arrangements can be made for access.
ACCESSIBILITY: All accommodation at Bellthorpe Stays has parking beside the cabin so they are directly accessible from your vehicle. Bowerbird and Birdwing Cabins have undercover parking beside the cabin. All cabins are suitable for folk with moderate to good mobility and can enjoy the surroundings as nature is close to your door. Each cabin has a few steps with Birdwing having one step (plus the deck step). Bowerbird and Whipbird having two steps and the Cottage has 7 steps at the front and one step at the back.
All cabins have wide entry doors (820 mm in the Cottage, 900 mm in other cabins) with only the weather strip "bump" between the deck and inside. The cabins are all single level with no internal steps and a small lip on the showers. The doors in Birdwing and Bowerbird are 820 mm except the toilet being 720 mm with all internal doors in Whipbird being 720 mm. We can provide a plastic chair for the shower if required. Internal taps are all flick taps which are easy to use. Benches are standard heights and in bedrooms there is room to walk alongside beds. The photos of each cabin will give an illustration of what to expect. Windows are predominantly slide window and give great views to the outside where birds and animals can be seen from the comfort of the cabin. Most species of birds that are of interest will come to the environs around the cabin, so good sightings are made from the windows and deck, particularly if nearby plants are in fruit.
Two of the cabins, Whipbird and Birdwing, are suitable for families. A portable cot is available on request.
The tracks on the property are generally moderate grade noting none of the tracks on the property have steps, although most have a few steep sections. There are several flatter (a relative term) short walking tracks that leave from near the cabins or from the Old Dairy Shed that lead to the creek, rainforest, one of the waterfalls and firepit; noting that these are not suitable for wheelchairs or normal prams. There are several resting spots along tracks (chairs or logs) as well as shelter in several locations to rest at and admire the birds and scenery. Guests can also drive to the Old Dairy Shed if that is easier to use the facilities.
Parking is also available next to the Old Dairy Shed with the entry doors being 760 mm wide which gives access to the resources (books, materials, games coffee, tea, table) with narrower internal doors (680 mm) to the toilet. The Old Dairy Shed is a small room, all on one level.
Assistance animals are welcome except we forbid cats to be brought to the property due to concerns for wildlife and the scent that cats may leave.
We are happy to assist with more specific information before you book as well as helping out when you are staying at Bellthorpe Stays. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to make your stay more positive.
PETS: By prior arrangement. No cats, ever! Caged birds and lizards allowed.Dogs: No hunting dogs. We allow guests to bring one well behaved pooch (special circumstances two). There are no pooch proof fences at the cabins and they must be pre-treated for ticks. There are chooks and other farm animals here, as well as wildlife including around the cabins. Barking, chasing things and roaming is not permitted and pets must be on a leash at all times while outdoors. Pets are not allowed on furniture or in the bedrooms. Pets are not to be left alone. Pets must be secured at least half an hour before dusk to protect wildlife. Guests must clean up prior to departure (pooh, sticks, bones, toys, vacuum and mop the cabin). Fees definitely apply if you don't comply.
David and Wendy's very friendly pooches "Dodge"and "Puku" may visit you during your stay.